November 2023 - Article

Richard Clarke: A case study in workplace happiness

Link to article on

October 2023 - UK IT Leaders - Speaker

Secret Source: the story of an IT company unlike any other

UK IT leaders on LinkedIn

September 2023 - Maend Podcast

Richard Clarke on happiness at work

Link to podcast on

September 2023 - International week of happiness at work - Speaker

How to build a happy workplace - best practice

Link to article on

September 2023 - Blog post

Richard Clarke: “Happiness is like world peace: everyone claims to care but few really believe in it

Link to article on

June 2023 - Holly Jean Jackson - Podcast

Happier Employees Plus Happier Customers Equals Raving Fans

Link to episode on the Inspiration Contagion podcast

May 2023 - Speaker at Richmond IT directors’ forum

How to improve team performance without spending a pound

September 2022 - International week of happiness at work - Blog

How we built a company with the nº1 KPI of happiness

Link to article on

June 2022 - Karmic Capitalist - Podcast

Would you sack your biggest client to keep your team happy? - Richard Clarke of Secret Source

Episode link on Apple Podcasts

February 2024 - The Executive Edge - Podcast

The importance of happiness at work: How to achieve it with your Team

Apple Podcasts / Spotify

April 2024 - Digital Entrepreneurial Growth - Podcast

A happy workplace is the new trend!


March 2024 - The Fin Tech Linker - Podcast

🌈 Happiness by Design: Transforming Workplaces 🌈


April 2024 - Tenacity with Sonia C - Podcast

Happiness as a Business Model

Apple Podcasts

April 2024 - Influence and Impact with Carla Miller - Podcast

The secret to building a happy team with Richard Clarke

Apple Podcasts / Spotify

April 2024 - Ask Charly Leetham - Podcast

Happier Teams - The Science Of Happiness - With Richard Clarke


May 2024 - The Knowing Self Knowing Others Podcast

62 Unpacking Workplace Happiness with Richard Clarke


May 2024 - Throttle Up Leadership - Podcast

Episode 27: Richard Clarke Founder of Secret Source


May 2024 - The Scale Up collective - The Pivot sessions

Driving growth through employee happiness

LinkedIn Live

May 2024 - WB40 - Episode 296 - Happiness

On this week’s show, Chris & Michelle talk to Richard Clarke from Secret Source about the role that happiness has in high-performing teams.

Apple podcasts / Website link

May 2024 - Voice America (Radio) - Leading with intention

3 Steps to Make Your Employees Happier

Listen on demand

May 2024 - Lead to Succeed

#124 The Secrets of Workplace Happiness: How a Tech Founder Achieves It.

Apple podcasts